Ancient Ancestral Ties between India — South Korea

Calling out all the K-fans…

V. Sadhve Krishnamurthy
2 min readJun 12, 2021

In recent days, there has been a significant South Korean craze among Indians. K pop, K drama, K shows, K beauty, and anything related to South Korea is gaining quick reach and wide popularity. What could be the reason? Is it that easy to influence a population from another nation to an extent that they start regularly following the country and its people? Not really. But what has made it easy here is the historic bond shared between both countries.

Person from BTS K-Pop (Image Credit: Pixabay)

The legend dates back to about 2000 years ago when a South Indian Princess named “Seembavalam / Suriratna” was married off to a South Korean prince named “Kim Suro”. In the light of expanding kingdoms and strengthening trade business ties, it is a common solution to propose marriage for a long-running, harmonious relationship. For similar reasons, the then 16 years old princess has married the 17 years old prince. It is believed that the princess hailed from a region called “The Ayuta Kingdom”. The then “The Ayuta Kingdom” was under the jurisdiction of “The Pandya Kingdom”, which is located in today’s Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu, South India. She is known by her Korean name as Queen “Heo Hwang Ok”. Like any other princess, she brought with her the rich heritage of her birthplace and immense wealth in large boats. Thousands of bridesmaids accompanied her to take care of her, cook for her, dress her up and facilitate her. In other words, a large Tamil settlement happened in Korea. She gave birth to twelve children, out of which two carried the maiden name and the rest carried “Kim” surname. Thus, even today descendants of the Karak dynasty with “Kim” / “Heo” clans, constitute sixty lakh Korean Population. Certain studies proved that there are genetic connections (similarity in DNA) between the South Koreans and the South Indians.

The depth of bond is therefore until the blood of the people from both the countries. Maybe this history is the reason for such cultural oneness that is observed even today between the two communities. The family system, way of life, treating elders with respect, food, festival, language, culture, and so on, there are numerous similarities. It is evident from the friendship between these two nations that ancient bonds can elevate present-day social and economic ties between them. I was wondering if there are still such tales that are to be unearthed yet, which will strengthen the bond among different nations. It will pave way for a harmonious society and a calm planet.

Check out my complete blog on this, right here!



V. Sadhve Krishnamurthy

If Earth revolving around the Sun is Science, spilling the ink of my pen is my conscience! Check how my conscience flows :)